For Business Owners Who Want to Take Sales Seriously:

Introducing a real-world, step by step sales hiring e-course for hiring top performing salespeople

The Truth About Hiring Sales People...

Most sales hires turn out to be mediocre.

In fact only one out of four sales hires is a self-starter who survives the first year!

Given the way most sales managers have been trained to hire salespeople it's no wonder.

You simply cannot rely on your gut to flip through resumes, then interview with no plan. Maybe it worked in the past, but that is not the case anymore.

In the Advanced Hiring System E-Course “Sales Hiring Secrets" you’ll discover:

• The biggest pitfalls of sales hiring – and how to avoid them

• How to create a sales hiring system that puts you in control

• Proven tips for knowing whether your applicant is full of BS

This is real: know if they’ll sell before you hire them.

Today, hiring a salesperson who can really sell after you hire them, is the key to success. The economy is challenging, things aren’t as they used to be.

It takes a real salesperson, not someone masquerading as a salesperson to make it long-term in this environment. Sales techniques can be trained, but “the heart and the blood” of a salesperson is either there or its not.

Even if you’re been hiring salespeople for years, most sales managers admit being “tricked” more often than they like. This course shows you how to sift through what they say to find out what they have done to find the “doers” from the “talkers.”

Proven sales hiring system from a sales hiring expert

I created "Sales Hiring Secrets” as a course guide for clients. The plan outlined in the course has been successfully implemented by me in my own business Radio Profits Corporation – where I had a sales team of more than 200 salespeople. Since 1994, I have used this expertise to help thousands of sales managers and businesses identify and hire the right applicants.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside:

In “Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide to Hiring Great Salespeople,” you’ll learn:

• How to pick out those applicants from a stack of resumes you should focus on

• How to know almost immediately whether your applicant has what it takes to sell

• The right way to conduct a sales hiring interview -- is so powerful the fakers will never come back for a second interview

• How to figure the real ROI of a top performer vs. an average performer – and how to get a top performer

• Why most sales hiring strategies can actually damage your company’s reputation – and how to plan smart.

• Which sales hiring strategies will give you the best return on investment – and which are a complete waste of time

• Why creating a phenomenal sales hiring system is the key to hiring top performers (and how to do it.)

• Tried and true tips for picking the top salespeople from the average ones.

• Why adding social media to your sales hiring system can warm candidates up to you, even if they are superstars and your company has never had a superstar!

Written for our 2000+ clients, available to you now for just $497. Guaranteed or it's free.

And here’s what some of our clients say:

We learned about your system from our sister station and decided to see if we could get the kind of results they said they had gotten. The last two hires we've made, with the help of your System have turned our Sales Department around. Their enthusiasm and aggressiveness have totally changed the culture here for the better.

Lynn Kinuko Nishimoto,

Sales Manager Apple Valley TV

It's working great. We feel like you've turned us on to a gold mine. we can really tell with the last few people that we've hired how well the System works.

Jamie Futrell

GENERAL MANAGER, Bristol Broadcasting

I can assure you that we'll be using your system to advertise for, interview and hire all prospects. I am a firm believer in the fact that your system greatly increases the odds of us making a hiring decision that gives us successful sales representatives.

Joe Bergfeld


Overall, the process gives me much more confidence that I have attracted, chosen and can manage successfully the right candidate—cool stuff.

Dennis P. Flannery,

CMP Director of Sales and Membership

Development Virginia Chamber of Commerce

A roadmap to hiring a successful salesperson

"Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide to Hiring Great Salespeople” is the most straightforward guide to hiring a great salesperson you'll ever get your hands on. I have condensed the knowledge gained from my real life experience into a road map for sales hiring success.

This course contains everything you need to succeed at hiring a top sales performer. In a brainstorming session with a business consultant friend of mine, he said I am giving it away too cheaply at $497. However, I've found that buyers of this course are so impressed with the value they often become our best clients. It's time to get busy and hire some great salespeople for your business.

Some business owners will decide to retain Advanced Hiring System for additional help after reading the e-course. However, after reading the course you can do the work yourself and avoid all of the pitfalls.

If you too believe you need some great sales hires, this course is for you. It is 100% guaranteed. There is no risk to you. If you sign up and decide it is not what you want, your small $497 investment will be cheerfully refunded. No questions asked. I cannot be more fair.

Toward great sales hiring,

Alan Fendrich

Start Hiring Salespeople Who Can Sell!

GUARANTEED to work for any business

This is real: know how they’ll sell before you hire them

Today, hiring a salesperson who can really sell after you hire them, is the key to success. The economy is challenging, things aren’t as they used to be.

It takes a real salesperson, not someone masquerading as a salesperson to make it long-term in this environment. Sales techniques can be trained, but “the heart and the blood” of a salesperson is either there or it's not.

Even if you’ve been hiring salespeople for years, most sales managers admit being “tricked” more often than they would like. This course shows you how to sift through what they say to find out what they have done to find the “doers” from the “talkers.”

Introducing the AHS e-course: Sales Hiring Secrets

A Proven Sales Hiring System from a sales hiring expert

I wrote "Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide to Hiring Great Salespeople” as a course guide for clients.

The plan outlined in the course has been successfully implemented by me in my own business Radio Profits Corporation – where I had a sales team of more than 200 salespeople.

Since 1994, I have used this expertise to help thousands of sales managers and businesses identify and hire the right applicants.

  • How to pick out those applicants from a stack of resumes
  • How to know almost immediately whether an applicant has what it takes to sell
  • The right way to conduct a sales hiring interview -- it's so powerful the fakers will never come back for a second interview
  • How to figure the real ROI of a top performer vs. an average performer – and how to get a top performer
  • Why most sales hiring strategies can actually damage your company’s reputation – and how to plan smart.
  • Which sales hiring strategies will give you the best return on investment – and which are a complete waste of time
  • Why creating a phenomenal sales hiring system is the key to hiring top performers (and how to do it.)
  • Tried and true tips for spotting the top salespeople from the average ones.
  • Why adding social media to your sales hiring system can warm candidates up to you, even if they are superstars and your company has never had a superstar!
  • And far more!

Start Hiring Salespeople Who Can Sell!

GUARANTEED to work for any business

Try It Out 100% Risk-Free!

14-day money back guarantee...

For 16 years we've offered a guarantee, that if we can't at least double your sales hiring success rate, we'll give you back every penny you've invested working with us. I created this guarantee because I created this System for hiring salespeople myself. Even though this is an e-course it is a step by step guide of everything I do even today to hire salespeople who can really sell and not just take orders.

If you actually implement what you learn in this course and are not satisfied with the results you get, just shoot us an email ( requesting a full, immediate refund.

What They Say About AHS..

Steven Stewart

Stewart Homes

Today, with Advance Hiring System, our results are a lot more than just salespeople who do their job well. I have learned to find high sales achievers who are also stable and who stay with me for years. It's hard to put a price tag on the value that a person brings to our company. I appreciate AHS and I give them my highest endorsement.

Harry Abrahamsen

General Agent Abrahamsen Advisors

I’ve had people who passed the SPQ insurance testing, and they are not just terrible. They’re terrible-terrible. One guy didn’t sell one dollar the whole year. SPQ doesn’t tell you anything. But using Alan's system, my new hires outperform the SPQ test on a very high level. It costs $80,000 for every new insurance sales hire. Typically, less than 2% make it past the 3rd year. If I can use AHS to triple that to 6%, it's pure profit.

Julian Allitt

GM, Jazz Radio Berlin

I've been Alan's Client for over 20 years. His System works because most human behavior is predictable. And if you can measure it, you can manage it. AHS helps you spot the rare sales application with the personality to "kill it" in sales. I recommend Alan and AHS without reservation.

The Course

This video course walks you through the process of systematically recruiting and hiring top performing salespeople.

The strategies and tactics outlined in the course have been developed and perfected over nearly 2 decades. The system presented in the course has been used to hire thousands of successful sellers who have sold nearly $100,000,000 worth of goods and services.

The online course will point you in a direction that results in more success in the important function of hiring real sellers.

Each session Module includes resources that will help you apply what you'll learned....immediately!

Get The 4 Pillars for extracting the top 3% highest qualified sales closers in any market

Pillar #1 - Attracting Top Talent

Copy our tested and proven formula for writing and publishing compelling sales ads that will stand tall among generic templates, drive engagement, and provide all of the necessary information that qualified candidates want to know upfront.

In this module, you will learn...

  • The costly mistakes made when hiring sales that you must avoid, but no one talks about it.
  • The #1 question you must answer when trying to hire a new salesperson
  • Our proven "no-fail" Ad attraction Sequence
  • How to write powerful headlines that will attract a flood of self-driven applicants
  • How to write your ad copy with keywords that Top Sales performers love to read
  • Battle-tested Templates and Examples
  • Creating a powerful Website's Job landing page?
  • Using Social Media Correctly
  • How to use job boards in a way that doubles your ad effectiveness
  • Our *You were Great Card* that you shouldn't leave home without
  • Why & how to develop a community influencers email list
  • Easy yet powerful ways to recruit from local colleges
  • Why recruiting from Competitors may not be a smart move, and what to do, if you must recruit from competitors.
  • How to use traditional media, (if you must).

Pillar #2 - Dual Profiler

Discover how using profiles to find scientifically measureable characteristics common to top performers so you can focus your interview time on those most lilkely to succeed.

In this module, you will learn...

  • Our ultimate Tracking Form to keep track of your applicants
  • Use this system to show that your company is different, organized and takes hiring top performers seriously
  • The two profiles you must measure & evaluate all candidates on, so you can screen out applicants pretending to be salespeople.
  • Our no-brainer method of rejecting applicants correctly
  • The 6 motivating forces on which the AHS ValuesMatrix is based, what they mean and how to use them.
  • Everything you need to know about our proven Graph-Reading Method for correctly finding Top Performers. You'll discover the kind of graphs produced by top performers and how to read them.
  • Understanding our Flag page (almost like a built-in lie detector), that's being generated by candidates that are either under extreme stress or not being honest with their answer. And why you should eliminate these candidates immediately.

Pillar #3 - Conducting Intelligence Interviews

Get the tools you need to conduct successful sales hiring interviews from examining their background to testing their homework skills. You will effectively identify best fits from the pack and how they have used their natural gifts to get ahead of the curve.

In this module, you will also learn...

  • The Excellent Interview Script - The AHS 4 part interview
  • Our Spot-on Formula for conducting Great Sales Interviews
  • How to adopt the Engineer Persona to conduct Highly effective interviews.
  • Our proven method of finding out if they are A-players

Pillar #4 - How to Manage and Motivate Your Super-sales star.

In order to close a closer, you must create a time-based compensation strategy to adjust as milestones are hit. This will increase motivation, provide room for growth, foster an organizational culture of recognition and appreciation, and improve employee retention.

In this module, you will also learn...

  • How to manage and motivate sales superstars
  • Our easy-to-use system of writing powerful position contracts
  • Writing Powerful compensation agreements that satisfy the 2 key desires of every great salesperson.
  • How to write Compensation agreements that effectively convey to the top 3% sales performers that your company is a great place to work.
  • What to include in your sales offer, so that it focuses on the key activities necessary for long-term success in that position.

Enroll in The Sales Hiring Secrets Course Today



*Price listed in USD



*Price listed in USD

4 Practical & Proven Modules

The Course will walk you through the steps you need to take to create a hiring machine that will grow your business!

Lessons You Can Use This Week

With the Sales Hiring Secrets Course, you finally have a proven system for hiring top sales talent and not put up with mediocre sales reps. Start applying these lessons—today.

Tried and True Process

Get this Proven sales hiring system from a sales hiring expert. Based on our experience of more than 200,000 applicants and 4,000 sales hires (and counting).

About Alan Fendrich

At 24, he was the top salesperson at his company and was promoted to sales manager. His first hire was worse than bad. He learned a few things. Trial and error. He got better at hiring. Not great, but better.

Then he had an idea to help radio stations sell to previously unsold advertisers. He started his own company. Within 2 years, Radio Profits Corporation had nearly 200 salespeople across the US, UK, and Germany.

But their sales hiring failures were killing them, blocking profitability. Turnover was 50%+. The 80/20 rule was in full force: 20% of their sales team were studs, 80% were duds.

He went on a quest because with 200 salespeople the sales duds will bleed you dry. In the end, he cobbled together a sales hiring system that paid off big time. He cut his business turnover by 60% and increased the average success rate for hiring by 214%.

In 2002, he sold his company and retired -- for about six months. (But that's another story.) Today, 2,000+ clients and 243,000 applicants later he is spreading the message that "sales hiring can be much more accurate than most sales managers make it."

  • What is the Sales Hiring Secrets Course?

The Sales Hiring Secrets Course is a 4-module online course that will show you what you need to do to find great candidates. How to sort through them so you can spend time interviewing those most likely to succeed, how to interview them, and finally how to compensate them so they stay with you for years. Since it's all digital, you can work at your own pace and go through training whenever you'd like.

  • Who is this course meant for?

Sales hiring managers, CEOs, small businesses, enterprises, and Fortune 500 companies that want to achieve stellar growth and performance! It’s a great way to get started hiring top sales talent that can really sell.

  • How is this different from other sales hiring courses?

Most importantly, our Sales Hiring Secrets e-course is based on results. We want your sales hiring results to skyrocket. If it doesn't, you get your money back - simple as that.

Most importantly, our sales hiring secrets e-course with the same strategies and methods that we have used to hire Sales Superstars for clients who have paid us $12,000 for our help.

  • Will this work for online sales as well?

Yes, having a team of salespeople who can sell has nothing to do with the medium through which they are selling, but the fact that they are selling. This course could be used to also recruit online salespeople, to get on the phone or zoom meetings with prospects and close them.

  • What if this doesn't work for my business?

What's amazing about our Sales Hiring Secrets e-course is that there is no risk to you! Follow the program and I guarantee your Sales hiring results will at least double. And if it doesn't? We'll give you your money back. Simple as that.

  • Is this course on demand?

Yes, it is. The course is 100% digital, which means you can watch or read it any time on any device and can complete units whenever you’d like. And you get instant access when you register.

  • How do I access training?

When you purchase the course, you'll create a user name and password for cf.advancedhiringcom. Hang onto your login credentials and use them any time to access the password-protected course at (Be sure to visit the correct web address when you're trying to log in.)

  • I can't access the profiling tools. Why is that?

This purchase only gives you access to the sales hiring secrets course but doesn't give you access to our profiling software. To get access to the profiling software, you will need to upgrade your subscription.

  • Can I transfer my purchase to another person?

We'd love it if you could, but no, use is for the purchaser only. If you want to buy it as a gift, contact our support team directly via email at and we'll set it up that way. Please allow 48 hours for a response, Monday through Friday. We're a small but mighty team.

  • I tried to buy the course, but my payment failed. What should I do?

It's not working, and your credit card isn't even maxed out? Very strange. Unfortunately, this happens sometimes and we're sorry for the inconvenience. It’s our secure server. Please try entering your card information again to make sure it's correct. If that fails, contact us at and we'll work with you to get you up and running with the course.

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